Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Movie in the Park

We will be watching the Movie "Up" in the park on

Saturday, November 21st
at 5:30 ish pm

Bring your own blankets, chairs, and munchies or dinner.
The park is in our Cascade Development off of Gilcrease and Tee Pee

Hope to see everyone there!! If you have any questions or need directions you can email @ kimbo702@yahoo.com


Andrea, Joey, & Jackson Mott said...

oh I want to see I think we will try and come. see how jack does.

Emily said...

That was so much fun last year! Hopefully we can make it.

La Ron said...

We will be there.

Jaimelee and Steven Holm said...

Kim I found you! :) such cute pics of your boys on here! Anyway now i can blog stalk you:) lol
Thanks again for stoppin by and giving us that cute stuff! you are way to nice! talk to ya soon!